Monday, March 31, 2008

It's Merely a Habit

I don't know what is it with me and my tendency to do many things at one time nowadays. Throw me a movie to watch and you'll see me watching it while doing something. Like now, CSI: New York is on and I'm blogging while watching it. Hahaha just saw a dead man come alive. wtc last Sunday CSI: Miami also showed a guy that was temporarily dead. And oh ya just heard a quote : "Progress is a great thing, it just takes too long." Ok, just wanted to prove I'm actually watching the show.

And then there's the whole stack or Bourne movies,(actually only 3 lah) but takes me weeks to watch, due to this must-do-a lot-of-things-at-once disease. So, I only tend to watch the show while I'm folding clothes. (haha, its not like the show is not nice or what, its actually super nice and super cool, must watch. must watch! Very highly recommended!!!!) And after I finish folding the clothes I'll find other stuff to do like em, mark my student's homework (shhh) or do maths
(double shhh) or blog or chat online...ah,you get the picture. If I find nothing to do, then off the movie goes.Please, please do remember that the Bourne movies all VERY nice, must watch, it's just me and my disease, nothing to do with the show. blah. And I'll continue watching when I can find something to do while watching it. CSI people are investigating this group who does fantasy deaths. I think. Haha. Last Monday was about this guy who was crazy bout cockroaches. Like wtc, COCKROACHES!!!! yuck yuck yuck. Love CSI and all those weird, psycho killers.. Muahaha. I like lawyer shows too, like Justice! Quote: " You've got the right lawyer with you, you've got the greatest legal system in the world."

Ok,ok back to the topic. Er, what's the topic again? Blunder. blunder. Waa humans can go into hibernation! Wtc! I wanna hibernate.Hahaha.. was talking about CSI again. Pardon, pardon the crap.

Sigh, I guess it's enough crap in one post. So back to preparing for my JPA interview tomorrow. Yaaawwnnn. My interview is at 2pm. Anyone else having it at that time?

By the way, stupid contact lenses advertisement now. The only message I'm getting is wear specs = GEEKY! duh.

I'm a Good Host

I'm a very good host.
For Amy's lunch, I pop a bun into the oven and serve it to her.

And give her some weird looking berry jam that refuses to drop to the bottom. Thus, Amy refuses to eat the jam. She says she prefers eating plain bread, Yeah, right, she's just giving me face. T.T

In conclusion, Amy ate plain bread and drank plain water today for lunch.

Wei, I offered to cook her noodles and even gave her a can of Justea to drink, she politely denied me the opportunity to poison her to show of my culinary skills. wtc.

Friday, March 28, 2008

My Week In A Nutshell

Monday : Orthopedic Ward
Tuesday : Obstetrician and Gynecology, Forensic
Wednesday : Surgical
Thursday : Specialist Clinic
Friday : Accidents and Emergency

Highlights of the week:
1) Vanessa! Haha, my faithful stick-by-me partner. Luv lots!
2) Friends, friends and great new, fun friends! Mwah!
3) Ice-cream courtesy of Sze Howe ( thanks to Noah, somehow )

Frequently mumbled words:
Yawn. Bored. Yawn. Bored. Legs Hurt.

Sze Howe has gone all girly and needs to be admitted into the psychiatric ward.Haha.

P/s Leooooonnnnn sorry bout ya birthday prezzie. Will get it to you ASAP! Been busy this week. Sorry Lotsss! Had a great birthday?

Blogger status : Currently missing friends lots. Waaaaaa

Monday, March 24, 2008

Malaysian Dreamgirl

Catch Malaysian Dreamgirl at and vote for :

YAY!!!! =D
Personal favorite!

Sunday, March 23, 2008

So Original, So Creative ( Sarcasm intended)

Remember the legendary Tokyo Drift? ( well, maybe not that legendary)
The one that hit cinemas with a great big BANG! ( sorry 'bout the lil' bit of exaggeration)

The one with the super cool cars...

Packed with action....


Guess what, KL Drift is now coming to cinemas near you with a barely audible pop .
Yeah, your eyes didn't fool you.
The embarrassing not so original Malaysian version of Tokyo Drift much awaited original Malaysian KL Drift has arrived. Yawn.

Yawn. ( lack of KL drift photos is due to the fact that I do NOT wish to promote it.)
With a soundtrack that goes hebat,hebat,hebat, car wtc wtc wtc...didn't bother to listen, too annoying. * yeouch my ears hurt*

The first time I saw its advertisement on TV, I was so embarrassed, horrified and petrified excited that I had to blog bout it so that everyone should know how unoriginal and uncreative original and creative Malaysian film writers are. Yawwwwwnnnn.

I mean puhleeeezzzzzzz if you wanna come out with a movie, can puhleeezzzz be more original and puhleeezzzz be more creative so that you'll save me from puking uncontrollably every time I see it's advertisement and also save my sarcastic half from taking control of me.
My deepest condolences to Tokyo Drift and anyone that's involved in it. I sympathize with you.

The Creature

A breath caught in my throat as I stood there, petrified at the sight before me.There, the creature stood , with it's horrible long feelers, staring directly at me. Before I could stop myself, I let out an astonishingly high-pitched shriek. When I regained control of my sanity again,it was still there, at the same spot, unmoved by what had just happened. It's feelers twitched just slightly, as if it was daring me to make my next move.

As I stood there rooted to the spot, I stared at the creature before me with a gaze matching it's own. In my heart, I silently willed it to roll over and die due to some incurable disease. Please, please just die or maybe just disappear I whispered. Unfortunately, my prayers were left unanswered.

It's eerily long feelers twitched some more as it crept an inch closer to me, preparing to attack. My hands nervously groped behind me, searching for a weapon. Just as it's wings started to spread out, my hands came in contact with metal- an aerosol spray. I yanked off the lid of the spray and sprayed as long and as hard as humanly possible at the advancing creature. Luckily, it started to back off and land a distance away from me.

Putting the spray down, I quickly scanned the room for a better weapon. My eyes fell on a wooden fly-swatter on the other side of the room. Well, I just have to make do with that this time, I told myself. As I edged across the room towards my new-found weapon, the creature stayed absolutely still, as if anticipating my next move.

Feeling slightly comforted with the swatter griped firmly in my hand, I crept slowly towards the creature. It still stood completely still, obviously not intimidated by me and the swatter in my hand. When the creature was within arms length, I raised the swatter and slowly took aim. Then, I shut my eyes tightly and delivered a forceful blow to where the creature supposedly was.

. And then complete silence. A pungent smell crept up my nostrils, making me feel slightly nauseated. I slowly opened my eyes, my heart thumping furiously, unsure what will unfold before me. Then that was it. A wave of relief swept over me as I slowly took in the scene before me- limbs were strewn around the floor, and most importantly, the creature laid there dead, unmoving.

A smile crept up my face and I started breathing normally again. I've made it again, I told myself. I've overcome my fear and defeated the creature.

I've killed a cockroach. Again.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Exaggeration and Newspapers.

Sorry, I know I'm so outdated. I've just managed to get my hands on a copy of last Thursday's newspaper ( Chinese ), which managed to confirm and reaffirm and confirm again why I should not and will not and never will go early to get my results.

And I'll like to extend my condolences to Dear Amy. I didn't know how true your post was. Just thought you were kidding 'bout the alien face thingy. I assure you, you looked waaaaayyyy better than that though. =)

And to the newspapers, I believe there is a VERY THICK LINE between tears of joy and tears of sorrow. Unless there is a problem called blindness, I'll forgive you. Other than that, I'll presume its because of the just-snap-photos-and-simply-post-a-comment-beside-it-cos
-I-don't-give-a-damn-disorder. Prove me wrong.

And oh yeah, you've got my name wrong too.

My final words:
Perfectly fake.
(Ask Amy and you'll know what I mean.)

Things I Can't Get Outta My Head

A)Must read all Sophie Kinsella's hilarious chick lit.
B) Must devour all of Cecilia Ahern's work of art.

Sophie Kinsella's books that I want to gobble up with my eyes:
1) Shopaholic Abroad / Shopaholic takes Manhatten ( read halfway without buying it at MPH =D)
2) Remember Me?
3) The Undomestic Goddess
4) Can You Keep A Secret?

Cecilia Ahern's book that I have read and am totally in love with:
1) P.S. I Love You

Now back to reading the Master of Political Thrillers, Vince Flynn's Executive Power.

Just so you know I don't only read books bout fluff and girly stuff.. I also read books that sizzle with inside information, military muscle and CIA secrets. =D

Thursday, March 20, 2008

P.S. I Love You

Just finished reading this book today.

This story was so beautiful I could feel tears stinging my eyes when I finished it. (And for your information this rarely happens to me.) Each chapter,every single word was written so well you could feel what Holly, the main character felt and connect with her. This story is just so touching that I tried to ( may i emphasize that again, Tried My Very Best) to read it as slow as possible so that it will last me As Long As Possible.
I really tried my best. And it lasted for 4 days. Only.

This story is about Holly, who had just lost her husband, Gerry (he passed away due to a tumour in his brain). Just when she thought her world has fallen apart and she is all alone, she received a package addressed to her from Gerry. Inside it are 10 notes (each signed P.S. I Love You ) to guide Holly through her life without Gerry, and eventually to help her stand up on her feet again. Each note was to be opened and read on the month specified on its envelope.

In the months that follow, Gerry's letters sends Holly on a journey, a journey of rediscovering herself, a journey that strengthens her, and eventually enables her to let go of the past, and move on. And as Gerry wrote, "Remember our wonderful memories , but please don't be afraid to make some more " Holly finds herself laughing, crying, forming stronger relationships with her friends and family and living her life to the fullest.

Here's a quote from the story:
Nobody's life is filled with perfect little moments. And if they were, they wouldn't be perfect little moments. They would just be normal. How would you know happiness if you'd never experienced downs?
How true.

Anyways, there is a movie based on this book. But, SOMEHOW..... it ain't showing in cinemas here yet. ( How can??!!) * strangles someone invisible*
Does anyone know when this movie will be reaching the shores of Malaysia (which I hope will be VERY soon) ? If so, enlighten me.

Here's the movie trailer.
And of course, the movie always differs a bit from the book.

Sometimes it's about living life one letter at a time.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Random Happiness

Blogger status : Currently engross in P.S. I Love you... Aw...

Woohooooo~ just finished my fence-painting job!
After days of slaving under the sun, and the task is completed! *pats self on back*
And Na! Don't ya worry bout turning dark due to National Service! Cos cos..I've already burned myself charcoal black! =D
Ain't i such a good good friend??

P/s Anyone who visits me MUST compliment on how the fence looks oh-so-beautiful and ask whether it's done by a professional! =P Nah, I ain't that thick skin =)

Nana's current status : She's missing me! awww....

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Nana kidnapped by National Service

Na's gone for National service.
For 3 whole months.
Stuck in some far away, isolated, crappy, dingy, lousy, &@^#&^*&#%%@#^&@%^# place
Aww...oh well...

Yea, I'll keep pretending...
Remember to take good care of yourself galfriend! Mwah!

Monday, March 17, 2008

I Must Control My Language

If not my blog will not be suitable for younger audiences.

Due to the words crap (x3), XXX (x2), pissed(x1).
And according to Amy, freaking (x37)

Sorry and pardon my language.

Praise the Internet

If online scholarship applications could be anymore useful.

The link given for online scholarship forms are mostly linked to:
1) Error,page not found
2) The page you requested for is unavailable
3) Word press error

So much for technology. Hooray.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Sushi Day eh?

Went with Lydia, Si Jian, Lesley, Jon, Aaron, Dexter( who has yet to own a laboratory) and Noah (No,sorry he doesn't own an ark full of animals. Just two dogs.) to Sushi King. Yay!So so miss every single one of you. Mwah!

As normal teenagers with VERY healthy appetites , we ordered.

And ordered.... (drooling yet?)

And ordered some more.....

And since the food we ordered somehow STILL seemed tooooo little, we ordered........

Of course la, did you think that was enough for us YET ??
So, yea ordered again...

And again...

And even resorted to grabbing sushi of the conveyor belt thingy.. Yay. We heart sushi!And finally feeling satisfied with our orders, (and after each and every single piece of sushi went through their photo-taking session), we dug in.

And attacked.
and bit furiously. *Sushi Die Die!*

And chewed aimlessly.

This is Lydia and Jian.
Yes,stare at the plates. We managed to eat that much. Bravo!

Noah and Lesley showing how much we were able to eat. Yay, congrats to all of us! Luv!

The only photo of me that day. Thanks to Lesley, my Parrrtttnerrrr... Mwah!

To emphasize the fact that we have really healthy appetites, we went to Starbucks @ Kuching Airport.
Ordered again. =D
And lazed around.

So, that's kinda how our day went. Tummies grown bulgier wallets grown thinner. Yay! Love you guys lots! Must MUST do this again.

Education Fair

Education Fair.
Again, for the umpteenth time.

And I've perfected the art of pretending to be interested when offered a brochure of a particular institution while slowly backing away.

Maybe I should enroll for drama classes.

Please note that no matter how this post may sound like to you, I still strongly believe that education fair helps students.
Especially the pretending-like-you-care part.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

SPM Result Day

Before I blabber off, i would like to apologize to ALLLLL those people I've annoyed yesterday by turning up late. =) Luv you all lots. Mwah =)

Actually, I really don't get the point of turning up in school early to get my results. I mean firstly there's the crowd. The HUGE crowd.

Crowd = tension = freaking out = pulling out hair furiously = going bald = creeping people out

Like seriously, which girl would want to go bald( except Britney)?! I'll rather stay at home to watch Jimmy Neutron.

And while the crowd slowly thickens...

I'm enjoying NTV7's Breakfast Show..worth waking up for and worth staying at home for. *grins* Yay.Yay.Okay,secondly there's this loooooonnggg never ending queue if you attempt to get your result early. Thus, resulting in the increase in tension = not good for your health....

Whereas , you can always stay at home to watch Martha Stewart (airing at 10am every Monday to Friday on NTV7).
What's the big deal about watching Martha Stewart?
One. Can get to drool at delicious food.
Two. Can learn how not to scorch food.
Three. Can learn how to actually prepare edible food without burning kitchen down.

Four. Can learn how to do housework properly so can impress future in laws. Wtc.Crap intended.

Five. Can learn how to do crafts.

Six. As stated in five. learn how to do crafts = can impress people by saying
I Got Skill. Wtc.
Seven. Got excuse not to go to school early.
Eight. Can forget that SPM results are coming out today = less tension.
Nine. Much said. Figure it out by yourself. =D

Thirdly, there are the reporters. Walking around with their notebooks and pens trying to find out who got what result and trying to get comments from the students.
Like jeez. As if that doesn't adds to the mounting tension. Plus who knows, they might actually get your point wrong (or exaggerate it) and you'll end up being quoted in the newspaper sounding like some weirdo from planet freak out yourself.

Situation 1
Reporter : What are your feelings?
Student : Ok lar.

~newspaper next day~
XXX student commented that he/she is overjoyed and feels like jumping over the moon and onto planet freak out and wishes to thank those that have supported him/her all along.

okaay...I'm starting to crap.
( Note to Amy : If all else fails..... )

And not forgetting the dear photographers..
Snapping pictures every chance they have. Its not like I'm vain or what ( sarcasm intended), but what if they somehow accidentally took a photo of you the moment you had this very weird expression on your face...

and somehow by PURE CHANCE it ends up in the papers the next day... *shudders* won't dare to think about it.

Ok, I admit, I'm just being paranoid.Actually photo-taking quite appeals to certain people as I would quote XXX "You should have taken photo just now la, I want to take also cannot."
Mr You-Know-Who-You-Are, I can always help you take one and bribe request the newspapers to publish it. Or, you can always go be a model, since you are so photogenic, unlike me.=D

(P/s I somehow still wasn't able to escape all photographers. Sad, but true.)
Firstly, I wasn't able to escape Amy-the-photographer-who-came-early-and-helped-me-to-take- the-photos-above. Thanks Amy.

See what I mean? I walk straight down the hall to get my results. No queue, just some of my dear classmates. Sigh, really missed you all.

Enough about the result thingy, went with Amy at night to watch Vantage Point. Yup, only 2 of us. But had a great time!Luv Amy!

This show is worth watching. I'll give it a 7 out of 10. The ending could have been better. The whole show was great, it just ended too fast and not so well. But still very nice. Amy and I kept turning towards each other during the show and said Cool. =P

And results?

Figure it out by yourself. =) I know I'm very annoying.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Unfreaky post

Regarding my previous post, I'm pleased to announce that the chocoholic's freaking outburst has passed. This outburst was easily suppressed by a heavy dose of dark chocolates. The chocoholic is now sedated. Time now for a little chic lit, tv and bed. =D

P/s Fingers are crossed. All the best to all 2007 SPM candidates!

Freaky post what if tomorrow is result day. I mean why will I freaking care right? Its not like I'm gonna freaking freaked out right? And its not like all those freaking questions 'bout tomorrow will even freak me out? I'm really freaking calm. Seriously freakingly calm. What the freaking choc. And being constantly freaking bombarded with the freakingly "What freaking time are you going to the freaking school to get your freaking results"( note that actual questions do not contain the word "Freaking") question is seriously not gonna make me freakingly lose my cool. Right??! I mean I can freaking handle much more than that. I can freakingly ignore every single freaking question regarding freaking tomorrow and go indulge myself with some freaking chic lit and freakingly bitter chocolates. Anyway, as I freaking said before I will freaking disappear off the face of the earth using some freaking way ( hint: invisibility cloak or freaking cool sunglasses..which is freaking better ah?) due to some freaking reasons so everyone cannot freaking find me so that I can freaking freak out in some unknown freaking place. Ok, i take the last part back, I'm seriously not freaking freak out ok?

Right,as if I freaking convinced you.
I need a freakingly enormous amount of freaking dark chocolates.
P/s Pardon my freaking language.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

I'm a *you-decide-for-yourself* influence

Amy and Nana are hooked on Moonlight.

No thanks Thanks to me.
We spent one whole Saturday glued to my computer screen...

Drooling. Literally.

Nah, just kidding.

Watching very intently.

And giving the very occasional "Oh my choc,this show is so darn good" comments.

And stuffing our mouths full with junk food. eating.
Food( junk food to be exact) + Shows = A great combination
Wont you agree?

And becoming daydreamy due to the intensely hot guys great cast and superb storyline.

And trembling due to certain confidential reasons. * grins at Amy*

Well,well,well, so after 7 episodes of moonlight,Amy becomes like this.....

She's love-struck. She's found her absolute match.

That's Josef Kostan in Moonlight. He's witty. And never fails to throw in evil,sarcastic remarks . But I've gotta agree with Amy, I totally love his very sarcastic sense of humor. It just makes him..entertaining. And yea, it also makes his cool factor super high.

And for Na, I guess she has the soft spot for the gentleman.

Yup, she's fallen for Mick. He's cool , sweet and most importantly, so gentleman lar...
Enough said. =)

Anyway, this is one of my favourite scenes from Moonlight. Gives you a clear explanation bout vamps.

Watch watch! Love the 4Fs =P

And this... preview.....

And this preview with the song from Moonlight's soundtrack..

Watch watch watch!
See whether you'll get hook. =)

P/s Amy and Na! 5 more episodes! =P