Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Unfreaky post

Regarding my previous post, I'm pleased to announce that the chocoholic's freaking outburst has passed. This outburst was easily suppressed by a heavy dose of dark chocolates. The chocoholic is now sedated. Time now for a little chic lit, tv and bed. =D

P/s Fingers are crossed. All the best to all 2007 SPM candidates!


Kai Hoong said...

laopo square!!~
congrates to ya excellent results..
so you're going f6?

Chocoholic said...

haha thx laogong! how did u do? erm not sure..but stil high chance tho...hehe...see how everything goes. you?

Kai Hoong said...

laogong square going malacca in june..
hehe wanna meet up together with carmen someday?

Chocoholic said...

yea. must! muest meet up before everyone leaves!!!!!!!!!!!!!waaaaaaaa