Monday, April 21, 2008

Tagged By Jacquelyn

Oh my choc,
What the choc,
got BC words in my blog.

游戲規則:被點到名字的要在自己的博客裏寫下自己的答案,然後去掉 一個你最不喜歡的問題再补上一個你的問題,仍然組成20個問題,傳給其他10個人,列出其 他10個需要回答問題的人的名字,還要到這10個人的博客裏留言通知對方----你被點名了,被點名者不得拒絕回答問題,完成遊戲的人將會永遠得到大家的 祝 福。這10個人要在自己的博客裏註明是從哪裏接到的,並且再傳給其他10個人,讓遊戲繼續下去,不得囘傳。被點到名字的人將會得到大家的祝福,並且所有美 好的 願望都會在不久的將來實現。

Oi..I know certain ( almost) bananas like me will have hard time reading the above *winks at Amy* , so here's a brief translation...

Rules of the game(??!!) : Those that are tagged will have to answer the following questions and delete the question that you loathe the most. Replace the said question with another question of your own so that there will still be a total of 20 questions. After that, tag another 10 persons, leave a message in the person's I-Dunno-What to inform them that they've been tagged. Those that are tagged cannot refuse to answer the questions. Bla..bla..bla...those that have completed the questions will be blessed by everyone. Hahaha...

Okay, so free blessing, must as well have some fun right?? =D

1. 如果你有特异功能, 你会干什么?
答: Sneak into chocolate factories all over the world and devour all the glorious chocolates. Hallelujah, I'm in heaven.

2. 最满意你身体的哪一部分?
答: My mouth. After 17+ years on this place called earth I'm still amazed by the amount of crap that is able to pour outta that small 'lil opening.

3. 认为自己哪一个优点最讨人欢喜?
答: The fact that I crap a lot? I'm pretty cute when I crap....SERIOUSLY LAH!!! WHY ARE YOU LAUGHING??@*&^%$@!!!!

4. 希望有个怎样的恋爱?
答: A sweet kinda love. The kind of love where there's never ending stuff to share with each other, fun places to go together and...oh Love Life sucks.... * dreamy eyes*

5. 你最想去哪个地方?
答: Home is the only place I want to be. Where everything feels familiar, where I am surrounded by all that are dear to me. Yup, there's no where else I wanna go cause I'm content with where I'm now.

6. 最受不了自己哪个缺点?
答: Er, can I mention the crap part again? Sometimes I tend to overdo the talking thingy and end up looking like a hyped Energizer bunny blithering uncontrollably. And yea, the part that I keep getting distracted easily. Bless me.

7. 如果有不开心的事情,你会怎么办?
答: Jam my earphones into my ears, turn the volume up and shut myself in my room for choc-knows-how-long it takes for my mood to make a turn for the better. Oh, not forgetting the box of chocolates in the fridge too.

8. 最害怕失去的东西?
答: Everything that's dear to me.

9. 现在最想做的事?
答: Have Amy answer this meme. HAHAhaha.. evilness prevails. On second thought, my mind now keeps fleeting to the P.S. I Love You movie my bro just downloaded...its just a mouse-click away....*restrains fingers*

10. 若遇見喜歡的人,你會怎樣做?
答: "Erm. Hi,nice to meet you." Lame, I know.

11. 说出点你名的人的3个优点。
答: Jacquelyn : Responsible. capable, brilliant. =D

12. 你最希望你的另一半对你做的一件事?
答: Be honest; not only be my other half but also my best friend.

13. 爱在心里口难开时, 你会怎么办?
答: ask me, I ask you. =P

14. 你最讨厌怎样的人?
答: Those that get on my nerves too often. Hate is a strong word, I'll rather use dislike.

15. 你最难过的事情。
答: I dunno =S I'm pretty sanguine, so those stuff usually conveniently slip from my mind after it has passed.

16. 你觉得最美的事物是什么?
答: Love. Gosh, I sound like some lovesick character out of a late-night romantic movie.

17. 你认为遇到什么样的事情才会令你觉得人性很黑暗?
答: Gosh, life is dark ( direct translation) ???!! No way, I'm optimistic, nothing is gonna get in my way of being happy. =P

18. 如果能让你实现一个愿望,会是什么?
答: *ponders*......Am still thinking, give me another few more hours to think 'bout it....and Oh, there goes my wish.

19. 至今,你最遗憾的是什么?
答: I dunno, I live life without regrets.

20. 觉得人生最重要的事情是什么?
答: Living life the way you wanna live it.

Broke the rule, was lazy to think of another question. Bless me not. =D

I tag :
1) Amy
2) Nana
3) David
4) Leon
5) My cuzzie, cloudet
6) Deidre
7) - Fill in thy name-
8) -Fill in thy name- Please...
9) -Fill in thy %##$$ name-
10) - Fill in thy name- bless you.


Peaches said...

Due to the fact that my lousy computer can't read chinese. I'im giving myself permission to skip. :D

Chocoholic said...

cant?? how can???!! come to my house this instance! haha

Peaches said...

Haha. :P dunnn waannnnnnaaaaaaaa...