Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Confessions of a Chocoholic

I have a Whole lot of Confessions confession to make.

I'm Obsessed.

1.I'm Obsessed with super dark bitter chocolates.

Currently following the 12-steps Chocoholic Program :Never be more than 12 steps away from chocolate.

Current choc motto : The higher the cocoa content the better.

I know, i know there's more to life than chocolate, but i just don't care AT ALL right now.
* burps*

2. I'm Obsessed with blogging.

point of view 'bout getting obsessed with blogging:
I'm too lazy to get obsessed with something so troublesome

Chocoholic's point of view:
I'm too bored to not get obsessed with something so troublesome.

3. I'm Obsessed with Faber Drive's Tongue Tied

The chorus keeps playing itself over and over in my head. Shaddup. I do not get tongue tied. Well,until I listened to this song. Nah, go listen to it yourself. I want feedback. :)

I need a lil' more help than a lil' bit to get this song outta my head =) Try this one by Faber Drive too. =) Feedback needed!!!!

ok,maybe i'm obsessed with Faber Drive =)

4. I'm Obsessed with Sophie Kinsella's Shopaholic series

When the going gets tough-the tough goes Shopping

Basically, it's bout Becky Bloomwood who is a financial journalist that well, spends her free time shopping. And so well, the book mostly revolves around her and her addiction to shopping. Trust me, you wouldn't want to be in her position. Haha, her bills are well...I'll let you describe that after you've read the book. I'm bad at describing stuff. So yea, I better not say anymore. I guess the word chic lit kinda explains this series.

This is the latest book of the series that i could get my chocolatey hands on. Duh, after all this shopaholic stuff i feel like a Dumb ditzy blond. =D Ha-di-ha.

5. I'm Obsessed with cancellations.

Randomholic says:
how do you do the 91th (dash in between) thing??

Chocoholic says:
d cancellation thingy?

Chocoholic says:
use Microsoft word

i love that thingy

Randomholic says:

Randomholic says:
it's adorable

Randomholic says:

Randomholic says:

Chocoholic says:
i'm obsessed with thattttttt

Randomholic says:

Maybe its just because I love the fact that I can make mistakes on purpose. Haha.

6. I'm Obsessed with the fact that i can be random.

Randomholic says:
you're even more random than me leh

Randomholic says:

Chocoholic says:

Chocoholic says:
wad did i do?

Randomholic says:
the completely random post at the bottom

Randomholic says:

Chocoholic says:
lol i love tat too

Randomholic says:
tell me that was instinctive

Chocoholic says:

Chocoholic says:
erm tat was instinctive?

Randomholic says:
without really passing through your brain de

Randomholic says:
h a

Chocoholic says:
without really passing through my brain

Randomholic says:

Randomholic says:

Randomholic says:
i'm nuts

well. talking bout nuts, here's a quote i found bout choc n nuts.
Nuts just take up space where chocolate ought to be.

Okay,was just being random =)


Peaches said...

Mwah!! You're adorable!! get obsessed all you want, 'coze i'm obsessed with reading it!!

Chocoholic said...

haha...i'm obsessed with a randomholic!!!!!!!111