Sunday, May 4, 2008

Its been a while

Finally had the privilege to meet up with my primary school friend Esme. Haven't seen her for quite a while. Okay, you've got me there, I haven't seen her for two years. >.<' Well, Esme is one of those primary school pals that I still managed to keep in touch with after all these years. And I have to say, Esme has turned into a well-bred Theresian. =P She's inherited quite a few Theresian traits- loud,cheerful and lively, That's why Theresians are usually fun to hang out with. The St Theresa girls I've known are always entertaining and its like being in a bubble of joy just being around them. So Esme, that's a compliment from me. =)

Esme darling and I. Ah Cheng at the side.

We chilled out at Bing with Lesley, Ah Cheng, Aaron and Pin Wei. Tiffany joined us later on as she had to attend her sis's engagement party. Cheng kept going on about how he was not going to TARC to study anymore as he was going to the states. =.=' Lesley and I really were unsure whether to believe him or not since he had on one-of-those faces. Ah, you know the kind when he's trying real hard to feign sincerity, leaving you really torn between believing what he says and brushing his words off as if it is crap. Oh well....

Pin Wei -One of those friends that I've known for most of my life.

And Pin Wei, well he's supposed to go Form 6. Note the use of the word 'supposed'. Can't possibly imagine him in Form 6, some more in St Thomas. Those that had or are still studying in St Thomas will get what I mean. His hair will be the thing that will get him sent home the first minute he steps into that school. Tsk, so much for rules. And on second thought, rules are meant to be broken, so all the best in defying the school rules eh? *salutes*

Esme and Tiffany

After we had enough of Bing, we headed over to some place called After Three. I don't know what the name After Three has to do with the shop other than the fact that they do not serve anything that is edible after eleven and they serve horrible wheat grass juice ( according to Lesley).

On the way back to my house, we encounter some sort of um,difficulty due to the fact that some dogs, were um, doing something in the middle of the road that led to my house. The temporarily joined dogs were standing in the way of me and my house. Dang, I seriously dunno who should be more pissed. Me because I couldn't reach home or them because we intruded on their er, intimate moment. =______= Nah, explicit photo for your viewing.

The mating game.

But of course, why did they have to do it right in the middle of the road???!!! Anyway, some skillful maneuvering by Lesley got me to my house. Thankyiewverymuchie.

Before I end this post, I will like to wish my "gan" bro a very happy birthday. ( I know, I'm a day late, couldn't get to blog yesterday. =D)

Okay here the bro that has set a very good example for me by:
1) Constantly sleeping in class,
2) Sneaking your hand phone into school,
3) Text messaging while the teacher is droning on about some random fact that might be useful in the exam and
4) By doing a live demonstration on how to french kiss by using your hands ( in class also =.=')

A Very Happy 81st Birthday. Eh, sorry did I type wrong again? I meant 18th. =D I'll never forget that you're able to drive because the image of your driver's license is permanently engraved in my mind. Thanks to the fact that you kept flashing it in my face the day you obtained it.

First time see guys so darn cute one hor..Birthday boy is the one on the left.

Thanks for constantly polluting my thoughts and teaching my skills that I don't think I'll be needing for quite some time. =P
On a more serious tone, its really great to have known you. Having you sit behind me in class is like having live entertainment non-stop everyday. Really miss the good 'ol times in 5s2. And you make a real good older bro. 'nuff said. =D

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