Tuesday, September 14, 2010

My over-functioning, over-worked brain

Sometimes I just find it hard to fall asleep at night. Well last night was one of those nights where I felt all hyped up even though my bedtime was drawing near. So, i decided to try out my so called Forest Melody (with 'Doctor's recommended sleeping pill' in smaller font at the bottom) app on my phone. Apparently this application plays out soothing nature-themed music that is supposed to calm you down and get you sleeping soundly in no time. All I had to do was set a timer, and wala~ I'm good to go.

So, after setting the timer for a mere 15 minutes, I hopped onto bed and lay down staring at the darkness around me.

Within a minute....

"I think this is working. The sounds of nature is kind of hypnotizing....."

*imagines self surrounded by lush green trees with birds of all kinds chirping everywhere*

Few seconds later...

"Woah, this IS REALLY soothing! I should try out the other versions of it! Imagine, getting the ocean version.. waves...beach.. sand..."

*brain quickly conjures out image of beach with sand so white it sparkles and the sound of water lapping at the shore*

"I wonder how the river version sounds..."

"Wait, how many more versions are there?? Ocean, river.... and there is another one isn't it? I'm almost SURE there are 3 more.. What's the other one?"

"Its killing me... Should I just go and turn on my computer and download it right this moment?"

"Shuddup, its wayyyy past my bedtime. Plus, I'm too lazy to start up my computer again..."

"I should sleep.....I should REALLY get some rest...Its almost one..."

After a few moments of silence...

"Can I bear with these sounds for 15 minutes? Should I just go turn it off?"

"Aw, I'm too lazy to leave the comfort of my bed, plus I should really get to sleep..."

"Concentrate... breathe...concentrate on soothing musicc...breatheee" (repeats to self another x 5 times)

Moments later...

"I wonder whether there are mosquitoes in the forest I'm dreaming of...."

"Cos' that'll will kinda suck right? Being constantly attacked my mosies. It'll ruin the whole point of the peaceful, relaxed atmosphere I'm trying to create."

"I hate mosquitoes. Remember that time....."

"Wait!! Why am I EVEN thinking about mosquitoes?? Where did that come from???!! *mentally slaps self* GO TO SLEEP!!"


"Its giving me a headache, you know.. making myself go to sleep...."

Suddenly, the music stops for a moment.....

"Wait....what???!! 15 minutes is up??!!"

Music continues...


"15 minutes seems quite long..."

"I should really stop thinking, it makes my head hurt even more...."

"How can I stop thinking when I'm still thinking how to stop thinking. Ahhh...." *grabs head in pain*

"Stop. stop. stop. stop. Green. Forest. Bird. Waterfall. Breathe."

"I should blog about this. Its insane. Talking to myself in the death of the night. Hhmph."

"Should. Sleep. Sleep."

Drifted off to sleep sometime after this. Dreaming of such...

Oh well.
My life. =)


Peaches said...

LOL. That was amusing. D'awh. Keren's adorable~ *Hugs*

Chocoholic said...

LOL, that's my overworked brain talking. >.<

Michelle Yau said...

both of u really never fail to amuse me with your posts ... lol